First-Year Mentors

First-year mentors are essential guides and supporters of First-Year students as they transition into their first year at Berry. First-year mentors attend and assist with every BCC 100 class meeting and lead a minimum of six additional discussion sections with students. Additionally, first-year mentors are responsible for community-building and outreach to first-year students through scheduling one-on-one meetings with first-year students and planning group activities for their whole BCC 100 class.

First-year mentors play an essential role in supporting their BCC 100 faculty and the Academic Transitions office. They are also required to attend bi-weekly mentor meetings hosted by the Office of Academic Transitions.

Before the fall semester begins, all first-year mentors will participate in a one-week training culminating in leading both Viking Venture BCC 100-related activities and other semester kick-off activities with their BCC 100 class and instructor. Important interpersonal skills for first-year mentors include listening and learning to grow empathy. First-year mentors are campus leaders and will be expected to uphold the Code of Conduct and be in good academic standing.  

Important Links:

Mentor Responsibilities
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