Tessa Howard Nedvin


Name: Tessa Nedvin
Title: Coordinator of Homeschool, Transfer & Alternative Admission
Email: tnedvin@berry.edu

Hometown: Rome, GA
Education: Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Anthropology, Berry College
Favorite spot on campus: The House o' Dreams 
Favorite thing to do in Rome: Walk in the park with my family and our dog

What was your favorite college course, and why did it leave a lasting impression?

Anthropology of Food. This class taught me how important food is not just for survival but for building community. It was also just a really fun class! Part of our final was a cooking competition!

What’s your favorite Berry event or campus tradition?

The Mountain Day Olympics! It's a fun, friendly, and goofy competition that kicks off Mountain Day weekend!

If you could travel anywhere for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?

Go on a river cruise down the Rhine and visit as many countries/cities as I could!

If you could have dinner with a historical figure, who would it be and why?

J.R.R. Tolkien. He is one of my very favorite authors and I'd love to hear him speak about his writing.

If you weren’t working in higher education, what career do you think you’d be pursuing?

I would either be working in a museum as an an archivist or be a genealogist.

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