News & Stories
Bibhu Chapagain
January 6, 2022

Things Are Looking up for Finance Major, Including a Goldman Sachs Internship

Climbing mountains is nothing new to Bibhu Chapagain ‘23, who grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal, surrounded by the Himalayan ranges. An avid hiker and mountain biker who found his fit at Berry, the finance major is just as passionate about reaching the top in his career. He is well on his way, having secured a summer internship with the Ayco Personal Financial Management Division at Goldman Sachs in Dallas, Texas.

Bibhu says student work experiences at Berry, including his stint as a financial planning analyst in the business and finance office, have positioned him for competitive opportunities. He also notes that the career-development course BCC 150 made a difference in the application process: “It helped me prepare for my interviews and connect with the right people.” With another year to go before graduation, Bibhu has already laid impressive groundwork for life after Berry.

Q. How will you apply skills learned on the job as a financial planning analyst at Berry?

A. I have been able to enrich my social skills, as I have had to interact with people from different professions who come in with diverse expectations. … Further, it has prepared me for professional work. I have learned to analyze financials of different companies, understand distinct line items and formulate a cohesive report from fiscal information.

Q. How have your mentors impacted your growth?

A. Two people who have been the most influential are Buster Wright and Asa Owens. Mr. Wright has been a financial advisor for 40 years, and he serves on the Board of Trustees at Berry College. He has guided me in understanding the financial world and given me insightful information about the role. He has given reassurance and confidence about pursuing a career in consumer wealth management. 

Asa Owens, a senior finance major who serves as SGA president, always says, “You are your biggest competition, and push yourself to be better than you were yesterday.” This statement has brought me a long way, and it has taught me to not listen to the doubters and cancel all the unnecessary noise. Additionally, Asa has always been on my side and directed me towards the right path.

Q. From your perspective as an international student, why did you choose Berry?

A. I was thrilled to see that 95% of the student population were involved in student work, and most of them were working in their field of interest. I always knew I wanted to be in school with a small student body because I value relationships with people around me. … Additionally, professors are available to help you grow … you see the same people in the hallways and classes, which builds a close-knit community. Lastly, like every other Berry student, I was amazed by the beauty of the campus.

Q. What’s your next stop after Berry?

A. I see myself working as a financial advisor in a firm that offers both institutional and individual advising. An advisor is a relational position where you have to invest in clients, have intentional conversations and help them manage their financials. In consumer wealth management, the greatest assets are your clients, and this is why I want to be an advisor, as you are expected to work towards the best interest of the clients. This service positively impacts one’s financial status in the long run. Financial guidance can save marriages, restore broken homes and prosper long-term relationships.

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