Online Job Search Tools

Below is a listing of popular websites designed to help you find the right internship or job.


PathwayU - START HERE! Berry's new career exploration and search system will help you identify and apply to ‘good fit’ jobs both on campus (via LifeWorks’ JobX) and off campus (via
Indeed - Indeed helps people find jobs (see PathwayU above)
LinkedIn - Open Jobs. People hiring right now.
Georgia Department of Labor – state job postings.  Each state has their own site.
Glassdoor - Learn more about different jobs and find one that fits your life.
USA Jobs – Find your fit in a federal government job. Currently hiring!
Flex Jobs - Search for virtual / remote job opportunities
O'Net and Occupational Outlook Handbook - learn more about different careers (e.g., salary ranges, educational requirements, preferred skills, projected growth trends, etc)
Buzzfile – see thousands of employers in each state of the USA for majors offered at Berry College. Buzzfile Georgia & Buzzfile USA


Chegg Internships - Gain work experience and kickstart your career with this national internship board
Online Internships for Students and Graduates | Virtual Internships - Work global, stay local: search for virtual / remote internship opportunities.
Idealist – Find non-profit jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities.

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