Peer Wellness Coaching

Peer Wellness Coaching (PWC) is a FREE service offered by the Counseling Center for students at Berry College.  Three Senior Psychology Majors have gone through in-depth training and supervision to be able to serve as Peer Wellness Coaches.

PWC’s are a great option for students who are looking to strengthen and enhance their personal well-being, solve problems effectively, and work toward intentional change in their lives and self.

Our Peer Wellness Coaches are trained in evidence-supported models of coaching and relational support. They use a strengths-based, multi-culturally aware lens in supporting you during coaching appointments.  They also keep all information provided in session private and confidential within the Counseling Center.  They are supervised directly by Licensed Professional Counselors and do share session/client information with their direct supervisor on a weekly basis. 

Peer Wellness Coaching is NOT psychological counseling or therapy. If you are struggling with a mental health concern that is severely impacting your functioning and well-being, we suggest you schedule an appointment to see a licensed counselor. PWC’s also do not see students in an emergency or mental health crisis.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Please call the Counseling Center at 706.236.2259 and ask for Peer Wellness Coach Appointment. Coaching appointments are In-Person in the Counseling Center (Ladd Center).  You will receive additional reminder e-mails (and texts if you sign up for them) before your scheduled appointment. Please cancel or re-schedule at least 24 hours in advance.

What’s a coaching appointment like?

A PWC appointment is a collaborative process between you and your Peer Wellness Coach to identify areas of growth and barriers to success. Wellness coaching is focused on your holistic well-being and aims to strengthen your self-awareness, skills and tools, and empower you to do what’s best for YOU. Coaches support you with a variety of skills, tools, knowledge, and resources that they are trained in. Appointments are 45 minutes. Common concerns students use Peer Wellness Coaching for:

  • Stress
  • Loneliness / Social Anxiety
  • Test Anxiety / Academic Distress
  • Self-Confidence / Worth
  • Relationships / Recent Breakup
  • Roommate Conflicts
  • Boundaries / Assertiveness / Conflict Resolution
  • Time Management / Motivation
  • Sleep Concerns
  • Social Media/News stress and media management skills 

What are some reasons people utilize PWC?

Students utilize our Peer Wellness Coaching for a diverse range of reasons such as wanting to more effectively manage their stress, improve their emotional health, work through conflict, learn better communication skills, achieve academic related goals, or make changes to other parts of their well-being.

  • Wanting to improve one’s sleep to minimize disruptions and increase quality and quantity of sleep
  • Learning effective conflict resolution skills for managing roommate issues or relationship issues
  • Feeling isolated from others and want to learn skills to improve social connections
  • Establishing routines and practices to nurture positive emotion, meaning, purpose, engagement, and flow in one’s life
  • Strengthening self-awareness for improved emotional regulation and self-management
  • Improve self-confidence and develop compassion for oneself 

Who are the Peer Wellness Coaches?

Kristina Hilton (24C) - Psychology Major/Women and Gender Studies Minor - Plans to attend law school and work with people who are falsely imprisoned as well as corporate law.
Charlie Sims (24C) -
Psychology Major/Family Studies Minor - Plans to go to graduate school and have a career in counseling.
Mairin Simonds (24C) -
Psychology Major/Family Studies Minor - Plans to go to graduate school and pursue a career as a licensed counselor.

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